
Stay up to date with latest news from Italian Language Teachers Association below.

Learning Italian Online

Buon Anno a tutti!
I hope you have all enjoyed your break and are looking forward to the start of the 2021 school year.
This year I am embarking on a new adventure – that is, to offer online Italian tutoring.

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street, dog, sea

Welcome to 2021

Buon Pomeriggio a tutti,
Buon Anno – I hope you are all well rested after what was a non-typical 2020. I share with you today the Membership Form for 2021. Thank you all for your constant support of ILTA.

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venice, italy, boats

New Stage 6 Resource

Ecco! is the only up-to-date Italian series to offer a complete 7–12 learning progression, aligned to current state syllabi and the Australian Curriculum.

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